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Tsa 266 Form: What You Should Know
Or, perhaps, some sort of 'bailout' policy?) I don't know. What I do know is, these are all good suggestions. EXAMPLE: CARE, HANDLING, & DISPOSITION — TSA 266 “In general, TSO's and TSA will respond to your call and ensure that the property you have given us was properly treated and that you are provided with a proper disposition. However, there can be cases where an abandoned property is in very critical condition and requires an immediate response, such as in instances when the property would be damaged or destroyed by fire, floods, or an earthquake. Examples of these cases and of some common needs can be found in TSO-CAS (TSA Business Response) Handbook No. 197-5, Property Assignments and Handling by TSA.” “The basic goal of the TSA Business Response Team is a successful transition of property. To help maintain or improve the value of abandoned properties it must be managed as a priority. The TSA Business Response Team is committed to helping the property owner identify and minimize the risk of fire, flood, or an earthquake. The focus of the TSO and TSA Business Response Teams will be on minimizing the risk to life and property, improving the value of the abandoned property, and helping the property owner realize the potential value of the property. For the purpose of this guidance, the term “abandoned property” means property that was acquired by a person, either in whole or in part, for the sole purpose of abandoning it. The term does not mean that the property owner voluntarily gave up the right to retain a claim to the property. “TSA-1 is primarily concerned with protecting the property, including protecting life and property, while avoiding the risk of damages to life and property if property could be damaged by an earthquake, fire, or other catastrophes. However, TSO-2 is primarily concerned with securing property by the least intrusive means possible through the shortest period of time that TSO-1 can manage the property. TSO-3 is primarily concerned with dealing with property that would be damaged in a catastrophic way by an earthquake, fire, or other catastrophe. The focus of TSO-3 is reducing and mitigating losses from the destruction of TSO-1 property, including property that had been acquired for the sole purpose of abandoning it.
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